What does the future of the car look like? Will we all be driving on electricity? Will we soon only have clean water dripping out of the exhaust? Will cars fly or drive on wheels? Will they be really big or really small? And will we still need a steering wheel?
You have put your dreams, wishes and ideas on paper and created them. The ideas submitted were inspiring and diverse. Vehicles made from sustainable wood, a car with only plants coming out of its exhaust, integrated solar cells and safety through sensors. And because community4you found all the work equally exciting, Tim Jungmittag and Tina Zschage presented the coveted logo sets and polar bear mascots to all the participating groups without further ado.
Congratulations and thank you!
Saxony International School - Carl Hahn
gemeinnützige GmbH
Rudolf-Breitscheid-Straße 2
08371 Glauchau