Home / Parents

We need you:
As parents!


Den Rahmen, den eine gute Schule braucht, bieten wir an den Schulen der SIS: Hohe Lernkultur, gute Umgangsformen, ein partnerschaftliches Miteinander, hochqualifiziertes und motiviertes Lehrpersonal, Räume, die zum Verweilen einladen und Angebote, die zum Lernen anregen.

But a good school also needs you, because the great importance of parental involvement in school has been proven time and again in scientific studies: Parents who get involved in school life show their child that they are interested in their everyday life, expressing their appreciation for their child's world and also for the work of the teachers.

Please support us with your constant interest in the learning process and your open eye, ear and heart for your child's worries and needs. Help the teaching staff by being fair and willing to discuss problems and conflicts and get involved in school events and class trips or even by becoming a member of the parents' council or the booster club of one of our schools.

We need you

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