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Advisory Board

Areas of responsibility

The Scientific Advisory Board of Saxony International School was founded in June 2012 and has the task of providing conceptual, organizational, legal, scientific and financial support and advice to the management of SIS.

The honorary advisory board is made up of leading representatives from education, business, research, politics, marketing, finance, law and public relations. The focus is on establishing partnerships with companies and institutions and building networks at national and international level. In addition, research into funding programs, sponsoring, professional public relations and the development of future projects, perspectives and guiding structures are important topics of the contribution work.

Composition of the Advisory Board

Honorary managing director of the scientific advisory board:
Dr. med. Carina Pilling, medical officer in Central Saxony

Chairman of the Scientific Advisory Board:
Matthias Wissmann, former President of the German Association of the Automotive Industry (VDA), former Federal Minister of Transport and former Federal Minister of Research

Members of the scientific advisory board:

  • Prof. Dr. Dr. h. c. mult. Carl H. Hahn, former Chairman of the Board of Management of VW, namesake of SIS

  • Torsten Wetzel, Member of the Management Board of Sparkasse Chemnitz

  • Dr. Joachim Lamla, Commercial Managing Director Porsche Leipzig GmbH

  • Rüdiger School, Managing Director SIS/GGB

  • Prof. Dr. med. habil. Peter Warnke, Head of Neurosurgery, Paracelsus Clinic Zwickau

Interviews with Dr. Pilling and Dr. Lamla

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